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新视野大学英语读写教程4|新视野大学英语读写教程4Unit 1 单词和例句

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【新视野大学英语读写教程4|新视野大学英语读写教程4Unit 1 单词和例句】1、16米斯小宁2012年新视野大学英语学习笔记新视野大学英语读写教程4Unit 1 (Section A)1. chase vt. 追逐 追赶My dog likes chasing rabbits.我的那条狗喜欢追逐兔子 。
2. cruelty n. 残酷 残忍The book tells readers the cruelty of the slave trade at that time.这本书告诉了读者在那个时候奴隶买卖的残忍 。
3. pessimistic adj. 悲观的The tone of the meeting was very pessimistic.该会议的气氛非常悲观 。
The 。

2、 doctors are pessimistic about his chances of recovery.医生们对他康复的可能性感到悲观 。
4. conquest U 征服 控制 攻占The conquest of inflation has been the Governments economic priority.控制通货膨胀一直是政府经济工作的重点 。
He finally made the conquest of the disease come true.他最后战胜了那疾病 。
The empire had expanded largely through military conque 。

3、st.帝国的扩张主要是通过军事占领 。
5. bankrupt adj. 破产的The company was declared bankrupt.这家公司被宣布破产 。
Five years ago she was a successful actress, but now she is bankrupt.五年前她是一个成功的演员 , 可是现在她一贫如洗了 。
6. motive n. 动机Why would she have killed him? She has no motive.她为什么会杀他呢?她没有任何动机 。
What is the motive behind the bombing?爆炸背后有什 。

4、么动机?7. worship vt. 崇拜 敬重 仰慕He worshipped his wife.他很崇拜妻子 。
He was amused by the way younger actors worshipped and copied him.年青演员崇拜他、模仿他的方式使他感到很有意思 。
8. spur vt. 鼓励 刺激Her difficult childhood spurred her on to succeed.她艰难的童年激励她去取得成功 。
My trainer spurred me to keep up a pace of four miles an hour.我的教练鼓励我保持每 。

5、小时4英里的节奏 。
9. lure n. 诱惑Few can resist the lure of adventure.几乎没有人抵挡得住历险的吸引力 。
It is the lure of money that brings them to the city.是金钱的诱惑使他们来到了这城市 。
10. drown v. 沉浸于 (使)淹死I felt as if I were drowning in sleep.我感到自己好像沉浸在睡眠之中 。
Many people drowned when the boat overturned.翻船时有许多人淹死了 。
11. imperial adj. 壮丽的 宏大的 。

6、 帝国的 皇帝的The house is huge and almost imperial.房子很大 , 极其壮丽 。
It is said that few places on earth offer such imperial scenic beauty as this.据说世界上很少有地方像这里有如此壮观的美景 。
the decline of an imperial power强盛帝国的衰败12. agent n. 经纪人 代理人 代理商A best-selling writer needs a good agent.畅销书作家需要好的经纪人 。
My agent has a new script f 。

7、or me to look at.我的经纪人有一个新剧本要我看一看 。
Our agent in New York deals with all US sales.我们在纽约的代理商处理所有的美国销售业务 。
13. hasten vt. 加快 加速The treatment she received may, in fact, have hastened her death.实际上她接受的治疗加速了她的死亡 。
14. elevator n. 电梯Its on the sixth floor lets take the elevator.它在六层 , 让我们坐电梯吧 。
Some people were tra 。

8、pped in the elevator.有些人被困在了电梯里 。
15. blur n. 模糊的记忆 模糊不清的事物The events of that day were just a blur.那天所发生的事情简直就是一片模糊 , 记不清楚 。
My memory of my childhood days is only a blur.我对童年只有些模糊的记忆 。
16. idle adj. 不工作的 闲着的The workers have been idle for the last six months.在过去的六个月 , 这些工人们都闲着没事干 。
The machine stood idle for tw 。

9、o months.机器闲置了两个月 。
17. bore vt. 使厌烦He bores everyone with his stories about his girlfriends.他老讲自己女朋友的故事 , 使每个人都感到厌倦 。
Being alone with a baby all day bored her to death.整天一个人和一个婴儿在一起使她厌倦死了 。
18. bored adj. 厌倦的It was a cold, wet day and the children were bored.那天很冷 , 又潮湿 , 孩子们都烦闷了 。
He was getting bored with dong 。

10、 the same thing every day.每天都做同样的事 , 他变得厌倦了 。
19. continuity n. 连贯性 连续性The novel fails to achieve narrative continuity.这部小说在叙述的连贯性上是失败的 。
His speech lacks continuity in logic.他的演说缺乏逻辑的连贯性 。
20. sustain vt. 维持 使持续She managed to sustain everyones interest until the end of her speech.她设法使得每个人的兴趣都保持到她演讲结束 。
21. m 。

11、inute adj. 极小的Her writings so minute that its difficult to read.她的字迹太小了 , 很难认 。



标题:新视野大学英语读写教程4|新视野大学英语读写教程4Unit 1 单词和例句

