

1.秋天不是归宿 , 这世界人来人往 , 我们会带着遗憾 , 在冬天等来新的花开 。
Autumn is not the end result the world people come and go we will take regret wait for new flowers in winter.
2.对自己好一点 , 如果这个冬天没人牵你的手 , 我预谋在某个阳光正好的冬天遇见你 。
【店小二的文字馆|超级惊艳的文案,让人一眼就爱上,超级温柔,超级值得收藏】Be good to yourself. If no one holds your hand this winter I plan to meet you in a sunny winter.
3.这是21世纪十年代最后一个十一月 , 我希望你来找我 , 我们一起过最后一个冬天 。
This is the last November of the decade of the 21st century. I hope you will come to me and we will spend the last winter together.
4.雪说道:“我向阴柔的万物承认 , 我给它们平添了年迈的模样;我承认 , 并且致歉 。 ”
Snow said "I admit to the soft things that I have made them look old; I confess and I apologize."
5.冬至是一年中夜晚最长的一天 , 愿你在这长夜能融化掉这一年所有的不快乐 。
Winter solstice is the longest night of the year. I hope you can melt all the unhappiness of the year in this long night.
6.上课时老师写了一句话:我用真心待你 , 但不执着于你 , 活在缘分中 , 而非关系里 , 此时全班人都沉默了 。
In class the teacher wrote a sentence: I treat you with sincerity but do not persist with you live in fate not relationship at this time the whole class are silent.
7.我以前我也不相信 , 后来是真的互相喜欢互相惦记 , 真的没有结果 , 都在各自忙自己的 , 把这份感情藏在心里 。
I didn't believe it before. Later I really like each other and care about each other. I really didn't have any results. I was busy with myself and kept this feeling in my heart.
8.我要让自己记得世界永远闪烁着光 , 延续我不会退倦的浪漫主义情怀 。
I want to remember that the world will always shine and continue my romantic feelings that I will not be tired of.